IX Swap Team Spotlight #5

IX Swap
2 min readJul 21, 2021

Alice C.

Co-Founder & General Counsel, IX Swap

Alice is an ex-corporate real estate lawyer turned entrepreneur. She has spent more than 10 years practicing corporate and real estate law across multiple jurisdictions (Los Angeles, Shanghai, and Tokyo) with major international firms, including Skadden Arps and DLAPiper.

When asked why she got involved with IX Swap, Alice said,

“I believe that the STO industry is missing a critical piece of infrastructure — liquidity providers — and this is one of the main reasons for the lack of trading volume in this space. Instead of waiting for this problem to be solved by someone else, IX swap is providing the opportunity for every STO investor/individual the opportunity to participate and become a liquidity provider. It’s never been done before and solves a real problem for the industry, and allows for democratization of financial access, which is something I have always been a proponent of.”

Having been a real estate lawyer for many years, Alice is familiar with the inefficiencies and opaque processes that are present in private markets and recognizes that whenever there is inefficiency there is a disruption opportunity.

“There is a real opportunity for IX Swap to solve an industry wide problem for the STO market. And instead of working in silos, which is what most of the STO exchanges are doing today, this project has the potential to bring all STO exchanges together to bring more liquidity to all operators.”

IX Swap is the world’s 1st DeFi AMM & Liquidity Pools for security tokens and tokenized stocks.

More Team Spotlight articles are coming out each week, stay tuned!

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IX Swap is the last infrastructure piece needed to bring life to the security token/tokenized stock industry. IX Swap will revolutionize the STO/TSO industry and is the liquidity solution for all STO/TSO exchanges globally, bridging the gap between CeFi and DeFi.

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IX Swap

IX Swap is a DeFi platform that provides issuance, listing, and trading services for security tokens (STOs) and fractionalized NFTs (F-NFTs). www.ixswap.io